I wrote ahm's 7 Questions For Your Specialists before going to hospital.
To make a hospital claim, ahm members must get the details from their specialists
about their procedure. Some members were calling ahm up to 30 times
for step-by-step instructions to get the information they needed.
Stressful for both the member and the ahm business.
To remove this, I got the claims team to boil down everything they need into
7 questions. ahm now directs members to ahm.com.au/7questions
The member simply prints out the page as a PDF, and hands to their hospital for the answers they need.
I wrote ahm's 7 Questions for your specialist before you go to hospital.
To make a hospital claim, ahm members must provide details from their specialist
about their procedure. Some members were calling ahm up to 30 times for step-by-step
instructions to get these details.
There was a high cognitive burden for both the member and the ahm business.
To remove this, I got the claims team to boil down everything they need into
7 questions. ahm now directs members to ahm.com.au/7questions
The member simply prints out this page and hands to their doctor for the answers they need.
I wrote ahm's '7 Questions for your specialist before you go to hospital'.
To make a hospital claim, ahm members must provide details from their
specialist about their procedure. Some members were calling ahm up to 30 times
for step-by-step instructions to getting these details.
This was a high cognitive burden for both the member and the ahm business.
To remove this, I got the claims team to boil down everything they need
into 7 questions. ahm now directs members to ahm.com.au/7questions
A member simply prints off the page and hands it to their doctor
for the answers they need.
I wrote ahm's '7 Questions for your specialist
before you go to hospital'.
To make a hospital claim, ahm members must provide
details from their specialist about their procedure.
Some members were calling ahm up to 30 times for
step-by-step instructions to get these details.
There was a high cognitive burden for both the member
and the ahm business.
To remove this, I got the claims team to boil down everything
they need into 7 questions. ahm now directs members to ahm.com.au/7questions
The member simply prints out this page and hands to their
doctor for the answers they need.
I wrote ahm's '7 Questions for
your specialist before you go to hospital'.
To make a hospital claim, ahm members must provide details
from their specialist about their procedure.
Some members were calling ahm
up to 30 times for step-by-step instructions to get this details
This was a high cognitive burden
for both the member and the
ahm business.
To remove this, I got the claims team to boil down everything they need
into 7 questions.
ahm now directs members to ahm.com.au/7questions
The member simply prints out this page and hands to their doctor for
the answers they need.
WorkSafe VicContent Governanance
Suncorp AppUX writing
Suncorp Scout Conversational UIConversational UI
ahm Content Style GuideCX writing
ahm WCAG 2.1 accessibilityCX writing
Testing UX Copy with UsabilityhubUX writing
ahm 7 QuestionsCX writing
ahm Help pagesUX / CX writing
ahm Tax time calculatorUX writing
MYOB RelaunchCX writing
Selected print adsUX writing